I Matter...
Life can throw us many curve balls. I believe that we like and need the curve balls. It keeps us on our toes and keeps life interesting. It is important to maintain balance. People might call it drama, but it is not about drama, it is about the journey of life experiences. Mattering to yourself and to others is about one of our basic needs; need for security. If we matter to someone that person will watch out for us. We want to be important enough to be included in that persons priorities. We all get busy and perhaps we are too busy to smell the roses. It does feel great when you are a priority in someone's life and time is craved out of a schedule for you. You matter. You matter. You matter as a parent, child, friend, spouse, sibling... All our relationships that are important matter and we make the time for that individual. When a relationship fails to support you, it is generally because you are no longer someone who matters to that person. Your complaint might be there is a lack of time, lack of respect, or lack connection, whatever the reason the bottom line is that who you are in that relationship does not matter, or does not matter as it used to. We all long to matter in someone's life, to be that special one. While you are in search of some one person to matter to you, do not forget that there are those who matter to you. Make the time to see and love the relationships you do have. Be grateful. If by chance you are feeling like you are all alone, remember you are not. There is always one who believes in you and you matter to him whether or not he matters to you. Jesus searches you out. He wants you to know that you are a priority and that he craves out time for you ANY TIME... As with any relationship, time builds the bonds we need to understand trust, faithfulness, and love. He offers this every minute of every day. Breathe - Think - Smile is the start to finding the quiet support you have from the one who says you matter most. First, breathe is his spirit. He breathes life into you and you must breathe to have clarity. That is to physically as much as it is spiritually. When we have the oxygen flowing we have clarity. When we have the Spirit flowing in us we have clarity. Think is the process of searching for wisdom. It is finding the answers to the clear questions, conflicts, circumstances we needed to breathe for. Smile is to remind us to be grateful. Yes, even in our difficulties there is reason to smile. It build our character. Remember if you ever need extra help seeing you situation and finding h=out how to apply Breathe-Think-Smile then feel free to reach out to me. Believe the Best.... Breathe - Think - Smile... So much is at your hand. Beijos, V-
AuthorVilma loves her family. All she does is to honor God. Archives
February 2021
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